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Beltane Witches Market 2023

April 30, 2023

Farmers' Markets - Meet The Pagan Community

Beltane is the fire festival that marks the beginning of the warmer days and is traditionally held on May 1st of each year. This festival is celebrated to bring fertility and prosperity to the coming months, so that summer may bring great things to those who participate.

While the Kirkland Beltane festival doesn't use a bonfire to celebrate these old traditions, it does bring its massive pagan community together in the form of a unique farmers market, if you will. Witches from both the city and the surrounding areas come to sell everything from stones to herbs to clothing and everything in between. Art is on displays and some perform live music and dance.

At the center stands the May Pole: a towering wooden staff dressed with ribbons. During the May Pole Ceremony, participants each take a ribbons and dance around the pole, wrapping it in a weave. It is said that taking part in this ceremony brings good luck, protection and fertility.

The Beltane Witches Market is an annual event, post pandemic. I highly recommend visiting if you ever get the chance.

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